“Lilia Shoshanna Rae’s beautifully written book, “The Art of Listening to Angels,” is a must read for all on the path of enlightenment. Lilia shares her personal experiences of opening to communicating with guides and angels in a captivating, intimate manner that not only reveals her extraordinary path from her daily life as an attorney, but into the expansive realities of our multidimensional spiritual truth. Her sharing is a treatise of what so many are experiencing in the “New Earth”. This profound book is an excellent testament of wisdom and knowledge, and provides timely assistance and universal truths and divine wisdom to all. Highly recommend this superb read.”
- James Tyberonn, Author and Channel of Earth-Keeper Chronicles
“Lilia Shoshanna Rae has written a book that will not only touch your heart, it will change your life. The insights and personal stories will inspire you and help you embrace that you too can connect with angels. Through her five step process Lilia shares how you can open up and learn how to listen to the angels who want to communicate with you. “The Art of Listening to Angels” is not just another angel book, it is a must read for anyone who has ever asked the question, how do I connect with my angels?”
- Katye Anna , Author and Teacher of Soul